Sunday, December 28, 2014

Seawolf Door Gunner

This was a piece I did for my relative- his father was a chopper crewman in Vietnam. I could not post this in November because the figure was a surprise gift.  He was a Navy man, in an unique unit called the Seawolves.  They were an attack squadron that supported the brown river navy and the seal teams in the river delta regions of Vietnam.  I use the Verlinden 120mm chopper crewman.  They essentially wore the same uniforms while on combat patrol.  For more on the Seawolves, check this link:

Friday, December 26, 2014

Big Red One

The beginnings of a new figure...  Alpine Miniatures 1st Infantry Division.  The collector wanted to use the BAR gunner's head and so I have been working away on that one...   The head is a good match. A little more work and the head will be done.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Special Christmas Gift

Here is my Wife's Christmas Present...  75mm Royal Welsh Fusilier 23rd Foot  AWI

3rd Infantry Division- "Rock of the Marne"

 Alpine Miniatures, 1/16 scale