Friday, August 30, 2013

USMC Pacific- Guadalcanal

Well, I  was working on several projects at once,  and I snuck this one through past the bishop.....

This is Life Miniatures USMC bust.  It was a fun one to do..... specially the HBT uniform.  This one has more Jo Sonja's then Vallejo.  I liked how it came out.  I hope you do too.


Some salty sweat stains on the uni......

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

An Interlude..........

While waiting for pieces and parts to dry and whatnot, I picked up a bunch of Jo Sonja tube acrylics.  I have been wanting to experiment with them ---- based on other artists use.  So I started by painting the face on this bust.  It's Walter Von Geroldseck, the Bishop of Strasbourg, 1262.  It's a 1/10 scale piece made by a Russian chap.  So, the face started with the painting of the eyes, then the flesh.  I used Vallejo's for the eyes.  The face is about 90% complete- some areas still to work on.  But it's about 99% painted with Jo Sonja.  Since this acrylic is  like artists oils, I used the standard flesh mixes you would use for oils.  I think this stuff is great- its easy to blend and more fluid than Vallejo.   As I progress, I will fine tune my technique. 

3rd Infantry Division- "Rock of the Marne"

 Alpine Miniatures, 1/16 scale