Saturday, March 30, 2013

"I am staring at a sunlit picture of Hell,"

I added the helmet, did some more painting.  So here is the result so far:

The face reflects the quote from Siegfried Sassoon: "I am staring at a sunlit picture of Hell,"

Friday, March 29, 2013

British Infantry....Face Almost Done

Did a little more work- hair, chinstrap and some more blending, Then Started the helmet.

British Infantry Somme 1916

Off to start another Young Bust.  This is the British Infantry Somme 1916. Started with cleanup and prime, then the eyes.................. A brief SBS on that:

Base coat the eyes with a mix of Light Flesh, Basic Skintone, and Brown Sand.  Edges of the lids lined with Burnt Cad. Red, Old Rose, and Violet - added the deep shadows around the eyes.

 The black cornea are laid in
 Then Field Blue with a Little Andrea Blue are laid in for the blue eyes
 The basic colors are applied, adding more shadows and highlights as we go
Brown Sand- Burnt Cad Red and Burnt Umber.....some places I add Black Red and Black. highlights consist of base flesh color + Basic Skintone and Sunny Skintone.

 More.......  I add more Burnt Cad Red and Violet

 Painted the basic chinstrap.....

Friday, March 22, 2013


Here is the finished Young Miniatures Panther Commander Max Wunsche (1/10 scale).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

More Work on the Panther Tank Commander

Now I am getting to the point of finishing this piece.  I assembled cupola to the base,  the figure to the cupola.  Now its up to finishing the hands and touching up..........

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hessian Jaeger finished

Here is the finished Hessian Jaeger, 1776.   As stated below, this piece is for the APG box art and Auction in May.  If you would like to bid on the bust, contact Mike Stelzel at the APG.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Artist Preservation Group Figure

Mike Stelzel approached me about painting a figure for the APG auction at MFCA this year.  Also he asked me to paint the box art for the latest APG kit-  a Hessian Jaeger foot soldier from the AWI.
So here is the start.  It is a really nicely sculpted bust.   So when the figure is ready, please support APG by buying this kit- or bidding on the original at the auction!

3rd Infantry Division- "Rock of the Marne"

 Alpine Miniatures, 1/16 scale