Sunday, December 30, 2012


The previous photos I uploaed were saved as Adobe RGB pics.  These are sRGB.  I want to see if there is any difference in quality. 

USMC Hue, Vietnam 1968

Here is the finished USMC Radioman.  Enjoy

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Out of the Bag!

For the past couple of months, I was working on two projects-  both Christmas presents for my son and daughter.  Since they occasionally follow my posts, I could not post pictures.  Here they are-

My daughter loves pirates:

My Son always has liked Star Wars:

Saturday, December 22, 2012

More Work!

Here is quick update.....

Face Done...

 Radio and Smoke

Friday, December 21, 2012

Update on the USMC Radioman.....

Did a little more work and while snapping pictures, the shutter dies on my camera- again!   Expensive fix.  So here is the progress...



Sunday, December 16, 2012

Finally ! An Update

Holiday Greetings Everyone

I have been busy- doing all sorts of things, including painting.  I was finishing up some "top secret" stuff- I will post pictures on Christmas.  I have several things going on at once.  Below is Young Miniatures USMC Radioman- Vietnam.    I am doing this for a friend.   Some in Progress shots, nothing spectacular.    I developed a chipping technique for metal- I have used it for years.  The metal item is undercoated in any shade of metal you like.  Then liquid masking fluid (essentially liquid latex) is applied where you want chipping.  Then the color is sprayed.  Using your fingernail or a toothpick, you scrape the masking away.  You can paint he object in layers to show different chipped layers of paint.

Here are some pictures of the bust and helmet- in progress of course.  I pre-shade with darker colors of the final color.


Cover of MMI,  with my Diorama of the 506th.