Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Helmet Cover........

I had a lot of discussion on Missing Links about the helmet cover on this dude. So I cropped a shot and added it in. The technique is as follows:

The helmet cover was painted with Vallejo acrylics. The colors were kept very thin- watery. I add a drop of Tamiya Flat Base to the mix. I used lighter shades to highlight, and added black and Windsor Newton Sepia water color-(in a small tube) for shadows. I dry brushed the cover once I finished the camo with a slightly lighter base color. Then I used German Camo Beige and painted very fine/ faint lines to simulate the fabric texture. I used photos of a real cover as I went to have a reference. I dusted the very top of the cover with a small amount of MIG European dust pigment- just enough to simulate if the soldier set his helmet down while in the field. Its easy to make the colors too bright by using too much paint. Easier to add than take away--

Friday, January 21, 2011


Here is the Young Miniatures SS Machine gunner finished. At first I did not like the face- but it is growing on me-

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Stuff Update

This is Young Miniatures SS Machine Gunner. So far this is a interesting kit to build. Its really a half figure. I painted the Italian camo jacket with Vallejo acrylics. I added very faint lines of paint to simulate the fabric texture of the jacket. Next up is gluing the machine gun to the shoulder. This will be tricky cause the gun has to mate with the sling and the figure's left hand. We'll see.............

3rd Infantry Division- "Rock of the Marne"

 Alpine Miniatures, 1/16 scale