I started painting the body of the bust- and the helmet. I decided to add the "scrim" or camo material. It is from a fine weave bandage, I'm not sure it will stay.
Some more work on the cape and hat. I tried to give the feather a dust dirty look with colors mixed with Tamiya Flat Base. The hat is blue-tacked into place.
Back on the workbench.... I sprayed the cape and hat flat black- I masked the painted areas with blue-tack and saran wrap. Then on the hat I started brush work of applying highlights and dirt.. Used English Uniform, Leather Brown and a pink color to highlight.
Spent a week in Yosemite National Park. It had snowed while we were there. We were lucky that the roads were passable without chains. My Canon 30d broke on the first day. I used my back up point and shoot for the picture taking. Lesson- carry two bodies!
Mike Stelzel asked if I would donate a figure to the APG for auction at next year's APG show. So, I immediately thought of this figure. The APG is such a great group and cause. I hope they raise lotsa mula for this one. http://www.artistpreservationgroup.com/
I thought I would post a real crummy picture of my Masters Award from the California Show- (SCAHMS) Southern California Area Historical Miniatures Society. It took a while to get here. Thanks Jim and Lars.