Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Project

If you follow Timelines ( you have seen my work in progress on the Young Miniatures SS Machine Gunner 1/2 figure. Not really a bust in the classic sense, but a full half figure (does that make sense?). Anywho, its been a fun one to paint. I tried to replicate the fabric texture of the herringbone type fabric. It will make you go blind. Right now, I am painting the fur and working on the details on the tunic.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Another Young Bust

Here is the Young Miniatures 1/10th scale Feldgendarmerie Bust. It is painted in acrylics and has a nice cocobolo base. This is a sweet kit. Fun to paint.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Chicago Report

As I have attended several shows in California, this was the first big adventure for me. Traveling by air is not my favorite thing to do. It’s boring and cramped (I’m a tall dude)- you can't move, fart or sneeze... well, maybe you can- I might get seat choice then. Right off the bat, the plane leaving San Diego the engines would not start....not a good sign... I told Douggie this and he asked what airline I flew...he looked at me cross eyed... So I guess they fixed it in a jiffy (miracle) and off we went. I guess I didn't fly the right one. I watched the engines the whole way.... I’ll drive thank you. Carrying the figures is a challenge too. No sweat in San Diego, but at O’Hare on the way home, TSA took waaaaaay too long to figure out what was in the box (it was in the xray machine 5 minutes!- no shit). The young TSA officer opened it finally and was really amazed by the contents. – Sorry to the 300+ people behind me in line. I did a miniature 101 seminar right there to the TSA employees... Is it Ok to say " I got six little dudes with guns in the box".......??

Once at the hotel after the cab ride from hell (cheap is not always better Matt….. I think the guy was doing IT support while he was driving- among other things) I was met by Dave Peschke. Dave is a super guy and made me feel welcome –even though I was from California. He was the show chair and did a great job with his club putting on the show.

I had a great time meeting everyone that meets here on the forums and those folks I have not seen in years- Jason Green, Jason Whitman and his wife, Matt Springer, Kreston, Chris, John Long, Steve Deyo, Stephan Ward, Dano and his wife, Jon Harbuck, Fletcher, Stephan Malia, Mike Blank, Russ (Rusty) Anders and the Texas crowd, the Jeffries, Doug Cohen, Dee Moore, Mark Mindeman, Mike Stelzel and of course Dutch. The list goes on and on, and I sincerely apologize if I left your name out- I'm going off memory and that aint too good. Chime in here if you had a good time and shout out a name or two. (oh, I did join APG- what a great cause- so Herrera owes me dinner)

Overall the show was bigger than I expected and the people just as nice as they could be. That’s what this hobby is all about. The entries were just superb. It either makes you want to go home and burn your stuff, or strive to do just a little better. I sat in on one seminar and it was great- but I don't paint dudes with red uniforms and gold lace---who's army was that anyway? Kreston said they were Canadians or something.....

We had a blast in the hospitality suite- yep, we did send inflammatory emails to Pete Herrera- too bad we couldn’t stay awake long enough to get his equally inflammatory responses- all in fun of course. But next year we will probably do it in person. We ought to have beer on the show floor- that would make it a kick in the ass show- spill proof steins of course... __________________

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Here is the latest issue of MMI, I did an article about a panther tank crossing some railroad tracks. The figure on the upper right of the cover is part of that.....

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm on a roll!

Two projects finished... The Andrea Viking and the Trench Raider. Both great little kits. These were a lot of fun to paint.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Here is the Andrea WW1 Storm trooper. This is a piece for a friend. He was interested in the gas mask can being carried on the chest. The figure did not come with one, so I scratch built it. The primary material was styrene. The clasps and hinges are lead foil and brass. The lenses on the mask are unpainted right now, ultimately they will be an amber color.
Next is to add dirt and dust- remember they fought in a trench.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Viking Update

More progress on the viking- what a great figure! All painted with acrylics.

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Project

Here is a new project- " Viking Fury" by Andrea. So far it is a great piece. Everything fits good. I started painting the eyes.....

Monday, July 5, 2010

New Issue!

Summer Time!

Just spied this new issue of Model Military International-- with the 200mm British Para on the cover. I had not posted pics of this. It was a job for MMI wayyy back when Spud was Editor.

Maybe I'll post some more pictures later.......... Meanwhile waiting for the new Young Miniatures SS Machine gunner 1/2 figure.. I have some cool ideas for that one. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Bust, but kinda late

Well, I finished this magnificent bust in March, but have not had time to post any pictures. This is another Young Miniatures bust. It is a U Boat crewman from ww2. It is a resin bust, which only has four parts- the body, head, binoculars and the plinth (part that holds it up). I snapped these pictures; I am not too happy with them. I really like the character and it was a blast to paint. I did not take any in progress pictures- I was too far into painting. Sometimes you don't want to stop.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I thought I would put together some new pictures of the MG34 fellow. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year- New figure

Here is a Jeff Shiu Miniatures Waffen SS Gunner. I had this primed and ready early last year, but due to a multitude of stuff going on- family, health, work, etc., never finished it. It is a really nice figure. I spent the past three weeks finishing it up. It is painted using Vallejo and some oils- mostly for the wood finish on the mg 34 and shovel handle. I really liked the way it painted up. I think I may order another figure from Jeff in Hong Kong.

I have to prioritize my work- I still have to finish a Brit Para (sorry Ian), so I think I'll bang that one out next- it's about 60% done.
I have found that building for magazines is a pain in the backside- nice to have hobby money, but it can lead to loosing interest in the hobby. I think I may hang that part up for a while- after I clear out the current commitments. Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

3rd Infantry Division- "Rock of the Marne"

 Alpine Miniatures, 1/16 scale