Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone. Have a great holiday and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Young Miniatures B17 Waist Gunner

Well, here is my first work after about 8mos off- many issues going on, but I had time to take a picture or two. This is Young Miniatures B17 Waist gunner. What a fantastic piece! Highly recommended. excellent sculpting and fit. I painted it with Vallejo acrylics. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Well, I am going to start (or finish) new project. This is something that I have not done in a while- 1/35 scale armor! I usually prefer larger scale stuff, but with the selection of kits and figures (and ideas) It's hard to pass up. I had started the Dragon M4a1 76 w (whew-whatever that means) and put it aside. The model itself is about 30% done right now. The instructions really suck, but using some reference and on-line pics I am making my way thru the build.

I started by sketching some ideas on paper. Originally I wanted to use a M5 Stuart, but I saw some Sherman builds and changed my mind. The basic concept is that the tank and infantry are moving along a road in France and ran into some land mines. A couple of ground pounders are probing for mines while everyone cools their heels waiting for a mine detector team to come up.

In addition to the tank, I have the crew, and six or seven infantry. I am converting Dragon figures as well as throwing in a couple of commercial resin dudes. I am using the excellent Monroe Perdu farm wall as a backdrop- I chopped it up a bit to fit.

I have some Hornet heads and hands (cause the kit ones suck). Here is one of the dudes with bayonets.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween. I have not been doing much modeling.... too much other stuff getting in the way. I am trying to finish up old stuff and I have several ideas kicking around for new projects. Now that the weather is a little cooler I can sit at the bench and work away. My model buddies Gary and Dave were going to stop by to show off their fantastic work, but that has been delayed. We will snap some pictures to share.... Come on guys!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Well, its summer- HOT! not much modeling lately due to other things going on. I bought a new machine- a micro lathe. Besides figures I do dabble with Formula One race cars and GP Motorcycles. I have made parts on my Harbor Freight lathe, but due to its size and inaccuracy, it was cumbersome (can you say cheap Chinese?). This little gem should do the trick. It's a Taig lathe, and it is made in the USA! Its only about 18" long. I can turn, drill, mill on the thing. For my busts, I usually use the lathe to machine a pedestal for the figure. Cool. More to come.....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Magazine

Here is the latest issue of MMI (I think it is the June issue). Brett Green, the new editor stuck my Fallschirmjager on the cover- how cool is that!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just finished the annual SCAHMS show pilgrimage. What a great show! Nice to see old friends and make new ones. The displays were top notch, and the vendor area huge!

I picked up a new Ma.K kit, so I am hooked. Here is the first one- painted with acrylics, oils, and pigments. Kinda like building an armor model, but more like a figure. Great canvas for weathering.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Young Miniatures SS Bust

Well, because I could not make it to Atlanta for the figure show, I worked away on the Young Miniatures SS Bust. This one is a great bust, but all his busts are. I painted this one with acrylics including the face. It was a challenge, I almost gave up on the sucker. But I am really happy with the results.

3rd Infantry Division- "Rock of the Marne"

 Alpine Miniatures, 1/16 scale