Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fallschirmjager Finished

I had time to finish this figure- added to the base and shot some pictures.

Friday, December 26, 2008

New Figure

Finally have enough done on this figure to show it on the blog. This is a 120mm figure from JeffShiu Miniatures in Hong Kong. You can see the kit below. I painted the camo (Marsh 44 pattern) with my Iwata airbrush with the tip removed. I used about 8-10 psi of air, and really thinned paint. The head is a replacement I stole from a S&T kit. I had to remove the SS eagle and replace with one I sculpted from A&B to represent a Luft eagle.

I am working on the base now, and will add the left hand when I glue him down, so I do not bust anything off.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! Being Christmas, I thought a nice, wintery picture would be fitting. This is a picture of the magnificent Hubbard glacier in Alaska. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Book

Here is a new book that I picked up. This is a great book for WW2 Normandy fans. It details the battles around and in St. Lo. It really shows the hedgerows and surrounding areas. It is loaded with both great American GI and German pictures. If you like Fallschirmjagers this is a great reference. My latest figure was really inspired by this book (I will post pictures soon).

Merry Christmas!

Cover of MMI,  with my Diorama of the 506th.